June TBR
I know I did a bit of a disappearing act in the last couple of months, apologies! I've been trying to figure out how to live in the way the world is right now, but I'm going to do my best to write reviews regularly here!
So, in the month of June, I plan to read sequels and finish a few series I enjoy!
First up is a book I've already started, The Ask and The Answer by Patrick Ness. I read the first in the series, The Knife of Never Letting Go, in April and adored it, and I was lucky enough to find the second book from ThriftBooks. I've already been sucked back in, and I'm very excited to go on this journey.
Second: Now I Rise and Bright We Burn by Kiersten White. These are the two sequels to And I Darken, which I have actually read twice! I even have a signed copy of Now I Rise, so the fact that I haven't read them yet is surprising. So, I look forward to getting into them soon!
Next, I plan to read The Midnight Star by Marie Lu, the final book in her Young Elites trilogy. I have loved the previous two books, and I'm very excited to see the conclusion. I've heard it's emotionally damaging, so hopefully I'm ready!
Then, I want to read The Well of Ascension and The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson. I've only read one Sanderson book, the first book in this Mistborn trilogy. However, one book has been enough to make him a favorite of mine! Therefore, I am so ready for what happens in the rest of this trilogy.
After those, if I can, I plan on reading Windwitch by Susan Dennard. I admittedly don't recall a great deal from Truthwitch, the first book in the Witchlands series, but I did like a great deal, and hope I'll enjoy the second book too!
What are you reading this month? Is your June TBR following a theme as well? Let me know if you want!
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