REVIEW: The Mall by Megan McCafferty

Before I get started, I did want to note that I received an e-ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for a review! You'll also be able to find this review there. So, I was born in 1997. I was alive for the end of the 90's, but I don't recall any of it. Therefore, I know very little about 90's culture in general, much less 1991, the year this novel is set it. However, I was excited by the prospect of a book set entirely in a mall, which were a staple of my childhood, and to learn a little about the early 90's! And I have to say, I was not let down. This book is a treasure. Let's get into it! CHARACTERS The Mall has a moderate cast of characters, told in the first-person perspective of Cassie Worthy, recent high school graduate and only child of two dentists. She suffered from a case of mono in her final month of high school, but she's set to work at America's Best Cookie in the local mall with her boyfriend Troy all summer, before both o...