REVIEW: The Traitor's Game by Jennifer A. Nielsen

Now, I didn't finish this one. I only got about 20% through it, which is shockingly not far, for me. So, this review will be a little bit unlike my usual... The plot of this seemed interesting - a daughter of nobility forced by rebel kidnappers to betray her family and everything she's ever known, with the promise of complicated morality and the idea that neither side is right. I was intrigued by that, of course! What I got, though, was a group of petty teenagers sniping at each other while the "moral" rebel leader threatens innocent people and is - surprise! - behaving like a tyrant. I wasn't as happy as I expected to be with the premise at all, as I thought it was not utilized to its full potential. And the characters . God, the only likable ones were Celia and Darrow, and they almost died in the second chapter! Kestra, the noble's daughter, is a spoiled brat who has to get the upper hand in everything. She's selfish, irritating, and makes me want...