REVIEW: Wink Poppy Midnight by April Genevieve Tucholke

DNF at a little less than halfway through. I just...didn't like it. CHARACTERS There are three main characters in Wink Poppy Midnight: Wink, the quirky girl-next-door, Poppy, your standard mean girl but somehow worse, and Midnight, a sweet boy who needs to grow a spine. Poppy is a terrible person, honestly one of the worst characters I've read about. Reading her perspective just made me angry, which I am sure was somewhat intended, but I didn't like it even still. I found her to be, quite frankly, infuriating, and the closest thing to a psychopath (or someone with antisocial personality disorder, for those who like psychology like me) that I've ever seen in a novel. She manipulates others for fun, as well as her own gain, and doesn't seem to care that she's a terrible person...unless it's Leaf telling her so. Wink, on the other hand, is kind of cool on first read, but with some time away from the book, I came to realize that she is every manic pix...